Depending on your personal relationship with the early hours of the day (and the extent of your caffeine addiction), you might consider a morning mug of coffee an occasional luxury, a pleasant pick-me-up, or an absolute necessity.
There’s one thing you know for certain: you’re looking to get away, get outdoors, and go exploring. But where are you going? Chances are you want to visit a place where the natural world is front and center, which means state parks and national parks are probably your two best options
At a recent Fourth of July celebration, I witnessed a tourist yanking on the low-hanging boughs of a beautiful 100-year-old oak tree in one of our local parks. My friends and I watched in angst, lambasting the man as a disrespectful out-of-towner.
There’s only one drug on this planet that comes free: Adrenaline. At least, that was once the case, until corporate interests put a dollar amount on every cave and mountain out there. Here’s the good news: You can still find amazing experiences, in any location, for pennies on the dollar. All it takes is a little creative thinking.
If you consider yourself an adventure dad, chances are you don’t need a lecture on the virtues of outdoor exploration. But when you’re used to hoofing it through the woods solo or with a group of buddies, you might not be sure how to get the most out of outdoor adventures with your kids.
Camping trips are the ultimate summer getaway – what better way to take advantage of the warm weather than by shedding your responsibilities, sleeping out under the stars, and waking up to a breathtaking landscape, a whole day of your favorite outdoor activities waiting just around the corner (if not closer)?
It’s a bit of a misnomer: Beating the heat. In reality, it’s the one obstacle you can’t naturally overcome; you can’t power through dehydration or heat exhaustion. But you can prepare for the sweltering temps of summer instead of fighting the heat.
I always find that the best way to relax before a big job interview or business meeting is a short hike through nature. But when you’re traveling from city to city, it can be difficult to find the time.
If you’re looking to spend some time out on the trail – trekking into the woods, along the coastline, across the mountains, or otherwise – you’ve got two basic options: hiking, or backpacking. These two cornerstones of outdoor adventure are extremely similar in their basic essence.